LOVE - Remember the crazy red "x"s on the site for Valentines Day?
Use this week to focus on the things you LOVE.
In my heart, the love I have for my wife blazes strong.....
But why could she not understand what I was going through??
I hated her for this. I hated her for not understanding what I was experiencing.
Do not let this Hate begin to dominate your thoughts. Focus on your loved ones and share with them in a constructive way what you're going through. They will appreciate it and love you more. Don't hide away from them or even the things you love to do.
I had heard from some people on the site to avoid drinking or "triggers" for the first month or so. Probably sound advice but don't avoid them now. HIT THEM HEAD ON. The things you loved to do were probably triggers. They were for me. Exercise?? I loved it..... but I also loved a big fat dip after a good long run. See what I mean?
RULE FOR WEEK #6: Focus on LOVED ones and the things you LOVE TO DO. Do them nic free
P.S. I love you, hon. Happy Valentines Day
Highlights/Posts and thoughts for the week.
Some Posts from that week:
The JPCrew/Armypatt dialogue continued!
Lance from SD made an appearance.......
Remember all the red "x"s that showed up this week.
Annonymous Quitter
Hi I am dip. I quit Jan 1st I hope this site gets better... I just found it a few days ago and could really use the help. I am not looking for a verbal bashing session.
This guy didn't last!!! If you don't want a verbal bash then stay the fuck home and chew.
Caving is not an option, Do something else.
Our number kept looking good. Better than what I expected.
Posted: Feb 11, 2009, 11:00 pm
the FOQers have 36 quitters posted so far on the day, fuckin A, thats awesome --------------------
Chinese proverb: The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single stepQuit date 1-1-09
Some of hadn't taken a shit in 5 weeks practically!!! Awwww.... the joys of quitting.
Posted: Feb 12, 2009, 8:40 pm
kd4jetGroup: MembersPosts: 2,281Member No.: 4,388Joined: 29-July 08
QUOTE (Smokeyg @ Feb 12, 2009, 4:25 pm)
QUOTE (ScubaSteve @ Feb 12, 2009, 2:19 pm)
QUOTE (chanilla @ Feb 12, 2009, 4:14 pm)
just rocked the shit out of an ap euro history test, i love seeing all these things that we CAN do without tobacco.
Way to go Chilla!! Didn't think you could study without a fat lip, huh? I must say, i never had the opportunity to try that when I was in college, so way to go...Kick that shit to the curb!
Damn, I never had that opportunity in college either. I would find a remote little cubby somewhere in the library so I could chew undisturbed. I have to poop really bad right now and it feels like my first three days of quitting, only in my ass.
To much info !!!
Posted: Feb 14, 2009, 9:58 am
Quit is PowerGroup: MembersPosts: 2,092Member No.: 4,978Joined: 30-September 08
QUOTE (chanilla @ Feb 14, 2009, 3:00 am)
And what's with the red X avatars?
Red X's are in a lot of places, e.g. avatars, smilies, post meter.....either the board got hacked, the server lost a disk, or something else. Some avatars seemed to have survived. --------------------
Quit Date 10/07/08, 5:00pm I was a fiend about Copenhagen. My habit hurt my friendships and relationships. And my health."Tobacco is the only consumer product which when used as directed kills its consumer." -- Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland
Posted: Feb 13, 2009, 8:18 pm
"Quit looking at me swan"Group: MembersPosts: 724Member No.: 6,088Joined: 1-January 09
QUOTE (ndrooster1 @ Feb 13, 2009, 4:36 pm)
Just got back from the store... had to go pic up some valentine candy for my 5 yr old daughter. Made a quick trip to the gas station because i was in a hurry. The dude behind the counter that rang me up had an enormous dip in his mouth. It made me wonder, briefly, how good that friggin dip was tasting. Then I realized that the poor bastard was sucking on cancer and I am just not interested in that poison anymore.So with that in mind, have a great nicotine free weekend you bunch of quittin FOQers. I will eat little candy hearts this weekend .WORD!!Wild-quit99
Ain't it amazing how we notice who is doin a fattie and how we are realize what the shit is doing to others now that we are quitters!Enjoy the little candy hearts but more so enjoy a Valentines quit day with your precious daughter who has a Dad that is now doing everything in his power not to cut his life short for himself and for her!Way to Rock - wildcat99! Word!
Amen brother... we see all sorts of shit now that we are quit!! Especially when you look at it like a ninja
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