Winter was in full force in CT during WEEK 7.
The attributes of Winter were full force in my mind......
My brain was snowy.....
My eyes were foggy.....
My temper like a N'or easter
Things were not fun......Yet I stuck to the site and learned from others. My participation continued and it kept me going.
Despite the "winter" attitude I remained postive.
ATTITUDE IS 100% of the cure. When things are not going your way or people are pissing you off focus on your attitude. No one can make you feel down. Only you have that ability.
So instead of moaning your cave dream or work or anything else turn your attitude around. It's a lot easier going through this with a good attitude!
RULE FOR WEEK #7: Winter will someday change to Spring. Keep a great ATTITUDE. You're the only one that has that ability.
Some Highlights & Posts from that week:
- Rooster hit 50 days!!
I took a mandatory 4% pay cut at work today and then they added another "project" to my work load last week. I feel like going and getting some copenhagen to make the bad man go away. Fuck I hate all of you for not letting me. You can all go fuck yourselves.

SWJ I believe
- I am all wound up like a fucking convict. If JPINE walks into my office I will bend him over and stick it in his ass until he is screaming to make the pain stop and then he will curl over into a fetal position and start sucking his thumb wishing he was in his mommy's lap.
Scooterscum (quoting 7irons HOF speech I believe)
Congratulations on a month free of tobacco. You should be proud of yourself for you have fought hard and succeeded at doing something few have attempted and even fewer have accomplished. Do not lose focus and do not let your guard down. You cannot coast, but you can draw strength from the success of the first month and allow that confidence to propel you into the second.I should also warn you that many have experienced a boredom phase during the second month. I hit the bored stretch right at 50 days. Something changed in the life of my quit where I just got tired of everything. Tired of reading, tired of posting, tired of thinking, tired of quitting ... I just ran out of steam. I started to really struggle and had a “is this really worth it?” attitude. "Perhaps a short hiatus from this quit - get my mind and my life settled a bit, then I'll start again." Part of me just wanted to give in and go back to the can. Lots of lies were being told within the confines of my mind, but I recognized them as lies. The truth remained that I was better off without tobacco. I KNEW I was - I really did, but my mind kept trying to play tricks on me.You see, during the first 30 days, each day is tough for its own reasons, but it's like we have a real enemy to wage war against. There is "fuel" to keep us fighting and staying motivated is relatively easy.Where are you in your quit? 30, 40, 50 days? This has been hard ... THE hardest thing you've ever done, right? Certainly you are tired, exhausted. You have every right to be. This is hard, demanding work. You get no breaks - you must continue to fight ... every day, morning, noon and night through every trigger, every stress and all the boredom. Everything you used to do, your entire life, involved tobacco. It made boring tasks bearable. It helped perk you up when you were groggy. It helped calm you down when you were stressed. It made the good times more enjoyable.Lies, lies, lies ... and you believed them ... all of them.Now you know better, but you have been conditioned for so long ... 10, 20, 30 years or more. It is going to take time brothers. The last 30, 40 or 50 days seem like a lifetime. I know. I went through it too.In order to get through this boredom phase you need to keep your quit alive. Remember why you quit. Remember what tobacco has taken from you. Your health, your money, time away from your friends and family, your self respect, peace of mind ... the list goes on. Doesn't that piss you off? It should!!!!Use that to keep your quit alive. It is important that you remember the difficulties of quitting. You need to make sure that the pain and heartache you are currently experiencing are never forgotten. Our minds, over time, have a way of softening the hard edges. There is nothing soft or easy about quitting smokeless tobacco. Commit to memory the agony of these first few weeks.That being said, the first month probably felt like three. I remember constantly looking at my watch wondering how time could possibly be going so slow. It is important that you also recognize this principle ... "every step away from tobacco is one step closer to freedom." You need to simply put some distance between yourself and your past associations with snuff. Build dip free memories and by so doing, you will be breaking the strings that tie you to your tobacco past.This is an important one too ... "the only thing tobacco is good for, is keeping you addicted to tobacco!" You need to realize that you simply do not need tobacco. It will not make you a better athlete, business person, sibling or parent. It may seem like it helps you, but all it really will do is elevate your blood pressure, raise your heart rate, make you more prone to anxiety and increase your risk of cancer.Also, there are lots of new quitters joining every day. Remember your first week? They could use some help, an encouraging word, someone to let them know that their experiences are normal and understandable. Lending a hand to a brother or sister in need will help keep your quit at front and center.
Aren't we all just so articulate in the fog??
Posted: Feb 17, 2009, 6:29 pm
I may look like a King, but I'm really the Duke.Group: MembersPosts: 1,769Member No.: 5,716Joined: 25-November 08
QUOTE (Moe Man @ Feb 17, 2009, 4:27 pm)
QUOTE (Smokeyg @ Feb 17, 2009, 4:20 pm)
QUOTE (Moe Man @ Feb 17, 2009, 2:18 pm)
QUOTE (tfurrh @ Feb 17, 2009, 4:13 pm)
QUOTE (Moe Man @ Feb 17, 2009, 4:10 pm)
QUOTE (tfurrh @ Feb 17, 2009, 4:07 pm)
April, i like the vets coming in here.....Smoke, Monty, Jpine, WhoDey, even BabbyGreggie they all make me laugh, or pissed, but it takes my mind off quitting....kinda the purpose of the site.I cringe everytime someone tells them to go away....what if they do?
Posted: Feb 17, 2009, 6:29 pm
I may look like a King, but I'm really the Duke.Group: MembersPosts: 1,769Member No.: 5,716Joined: 25-November 08
QUOTE (Moe Man @ Feb 17, 2009, 4:27 pm)
QUOTE (Smokeyg @ Feb 17, 2009, 4:20 pm)
QUOTE (Moe Man @ Feb 17, 2009, 2:18 pm)
QUOTE (tfurrh @ Feb 17, 2009, 4:13 pm)
QUOTE (Moe Man @ Feb 17, 2009, 4:10 pm)
QUOTE (tfurrh @ Feb 17, 2009, 4:07 pm)
April, i like the vets coming in here.....Smoke, Monty, Jpine, WhoDey, even BabbyGreggie they all make me laugh, or pissed, but it takes my mind off quitting....kinda the purpose of the site.I cringe everytime someone tells them to go away....what if they do?
Why don't you just go ahead and blow them TFurr.
I was going to say, "Blow Man, why don't you blow me!" But I will refrain from responding to you.
I'd rather eat a furburger than blow a man so I am no help for you Tfurrh. Maybe Monty will blow you
Would you rather eat a shitburger than blow a man?
Now you just aren't making any sense Smoke. You know what they say? Where there is smoke somebody is blowing Monty.
and where there is Moe Man, There is a dick up Monty's ass.
I always liked this quote from Moeman. Speaks of personal responsibility and not making excuses to me.
Don't tell me about the storm;Tell me you brought the ship home
Don't tell me about the storm;Tell me you brought the ship home
Just plain funny shit. A laugh can really help
Posted: Feb 17, 2009, 12:04 pm
super whoreGroup: MembersPosts: 2,900Member No.: 307Joined: 10-June 07
QUOTE (builderchad @ Feb 17, 2009, 7:59 am)
QUOTE (Smokeyg @ Feb 17, 2009, 8:52 am)
QUOTE (builderchad @ Feb 17, 2009, 7:45 am)
Well, funks' not as bad today, probably cause I'm just dead tired. No sleep again, wow this just sucks, but still not as bad as a sore mouf. Don't post any wiseass remarks today smukes, I'm just too tired to pole vault your ass. As for 65 congrats on 3rd floor and sweenz is right behind! OBC (still hate that ballscity name stealing poser) out.
super whoreGroup: MembersPosts: 2,900Member No.: 307Joined: 10-June 07
QUOTE (builderchad @ Feb 17, 2009, 7:59 am)
QUOTE (Smokeyg @ Feb 17, 2009, 8:52 am)
QUOTE (builderchad @ Feb 17, 2009, 7:45 am)
Well, funks' not as bad today, probably cause I'm just dead tired. No sleep again, wow this just sucks, but still not as bad as a sore mouf. Don't post any wiseass remarks today smukes, I'm just too tired to pole vault your ass. As for 65 congrats on 3rd floor and sweenz is right behind! OBC (still hate that ballscity name stealing poser) out.
I love you.
You know me all too well. You knew something to bitch about would make me feel better. Too bad jpuss or ready wasn't around. I guess montys been trying to be an instigator but all I just can't get excited over that. I wish ed would bring back that damn phone call about brent buying a blow-up doll
Try to find that blow-up doll post from Ed.
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