I was beginning to see a pattern. EVERYTHING was a FIRST for me..........
The first time I had ever played guitar or a concert without a dip in.......
The first time I had ever skiied without a dip.........
The first time I had ever paid the bills without a dip........
The first time I had ever cleaned out the garage without a dip.....
Each FIRST brought about different cravings, feelings and emotions. I handled all of them. Sometimes quietly, sometimes speaking to my wife about them, sometimes talking with my friends on KTC about them. Sometimes a PM or call to JPCrew.
I got through them all but they were hard. I felt better after each.
If you've dipped for over 30 years, EVERYTHING will be a first for you. At least until you complete a year. Be prepared for them. The closest I ever came to caving was on day 103. The weather was nice and I went out to work in the garden for the FIRST time that year. It hit me like a ton of bricks. This was the FIRST time I had ever gardened without dip.
Be prepared and think through your seasons and days.
RULE FOR WEEK # 5: Anticipate FIRSTS and deal with them. Think ahead get a plan (see rule 8)
Highlights/Posts and thoughts for that week
Some posts that week that caught my eye:

I loved this and still love this. WE DON'T TRY AND QUIT HERE!!!!!1
We don't try here, we quit. We don't make half assed attempts, we draw lines in the sand each day, lines that WILL NOT be crossed. Many quitters here are quit for life but they are biting off that life one day at a time. That is tangible. You can give your word to not use tobacco today, and you can keep that word. - 11 x 4, Nov 4, 2008.

My, my can't we rant when we're in the funk!!!!
Posted: Feb 4, 2009, 11:26 pm
I am my own enemyGroup: MembersPosts: 1,434Member No.: 3,726Joined: 7-May 08
QUOTE (Wildcat99 @ Feb 4, 2009, 12:27 pm)
QUOTE (builderchad @ Feb 4, 2009, 12:53 pm)
If I asked u for permission to stick a dip in your lip, would you give it? How about I don't need your permission. How about I just hop my stinking cancer causing ass right up there, part those fleshly healed lips, squeeze in there and let my venom numb your senses and make those funks go away. Just 1 fucking more of me and it'll all go away. -your old pal nicky the dipFuck you. I see you at the store, I hear you calling me, lifting your skirt, showing some skin. Our time is up. You come near any other sense other than sight and I will take all that I have and ram all that I am down your throat and steal your soul. I love funks, they remind me that I AM IN CONTROL, NOT SOME FUCKED UP PLANT, PROCESSED BY A FUCKED UP COMPANY, PACKAGED IN A FUCKED UP EASY TO CARRY CAN. I am the master now. THE FUNK REMINDS ME OF THIS. -O B MOTHERFUCKIN C
Well put... but, i still reserve the right to be pissed about the funk.
Reserve the right? Dude, you had better get pissed at having the funk. I don't know anyone who likes it, just helps to know that being a funky nicless fuck is better than being a nic funk fuck...I nearly lost it at work today... there were reasons, although not great ones. I had the sales mgr in my office and while typing a response to a pissed off e-mail she asked a question... well, I responded by hold on, I'm having to send this e-mail b/c I am fucking PISSED! She excused herself, laughed about it later...I felt bad, but damn I was pissed...If I ONLY could've gotten here and found Jpuss...
Some support and postive reinforcements from the long timers REALLY, REALLY helps. I'm sitting here feeling sorry for myself and this comes from CORN69
Posted: Feb 5, 2009, 11:26 am
I AM QUITGroup: MembersPosts: 1,991Member No.: 1,980Joined: 5-February 08
Just wanted to stop in and say Congradulations. The majority of this group has made it a month or more. Well fuckin done. You never thought you could do it did you. Great Job. Now it is gut check time. You think you have the bitch whupped. YOU DON"T. She will stop by every so often and tap you on the shoulder. She will be wearing that sexy little black thing with her nipples pokin out and whisper sweet somethings in your ear. When this happens, it is best to slowly turn around and knock the bitch to the curb. Bitch, I don't need you anymore. Keep you guard up quitters. The fight is still on. Well done through the 1st stage of your quit. Remember you are an addict. You have been an addict for many years. It will take some time to get over it. I am proud to be associated with this fine group of quitters.

Remember when ArmyPatt changed his name to JPCrew??? Holy shit the walls came down!!!
Funny as hell
Posted: Feb 9, 2009, 4:17 pm
Apr. '09 HOF CuratorGroup: MembersPosts: 742Member No.: 6,169Joined: 7-January 09
I just wanted to let all of you know that I changed my screen name to JpCrew from Armypatt.Why? Every account that I have online; myspace, AOL, your mom, uses JpCrew. So I wanted to be consistant. Why JpCrew? My name is Jon Patton (Jp) and the Crew part comes from 'if you're my friend, then you're part of the Crew, the Jp Crew'. Get it? It's gay I know.When I firts started here, I couldn't get into the quit groups with out a screen name. So since I was quiting, I was in the fog real bad. So I came up with Army as I couldn't think of anything quick. I didn't realize i would use it for everything. Until 35 days later when i got out of the fog.I guess I was tired of looking at my past and not at where I am now or the future.Yes, I was a badass mother fucker in the Army. So What? Yes, I could kill you in less than 6 seconds. So what? I'm still as patriotic today as I was when I first went in. I still get furious when people move or talk when they play the national anthem during games. But I just didn't want to be that guy who lives in the past all the time. Kinda like my quit. Who cares that I chewed Copenhagen everyday for the past 15 years. I needed a wake up call to stop looking at that and focus on my new life without chew and how much fun I'm going to have and all the support I'm getting from you guys and the firends I'm making here.So I guess I'm asking for your support with this small change. Thanks again for your guys supportJon

Wow, even the old timers have this shit. I hope mine ends.
Posted: Feb 10, 2009, 10:22 am
Living the dreamGroup: MembersPosts: 979Member No.: 4,411Joined: 31-July 08
A few words on persistence: From the moment I first got my quit on nearly 200 days ago, I completely embraced my addiction, admitting to myself and everybody else that I'm an addict who will never be safe having "just one" dip. And as I've watched some very seasoned quitters cave, I've openly wondered what the hell they were thinking. Many seemed to have convinced themselves that they'd somehow become 'recreational' dippers again---impossible for an addict. I never bought that shit. I KNOW I can't ever dip again. So it was with no small amount of surprise that I woke up in a sweat this morning, recalling the nastiest dip dream I've had so far: in this dream, I actually thought about dipping again, and made a conscious decision to do it. No stress, no triggers; just decided that I'd like to dip again, just for a weekend.Why am I sharing this? Because I know my quit is very, very strong. I think of my quit as a matter of life and death, and I guard it like the pure gold that it is. I'm fully convinced that my next lipper will be the one that kills me dead and leaves my young daughters fatherless. Yet, despite that resolve, and over six months since dipping, the nic bitch still lingers in the corners of my mind. And last night, as I slept, she actually convinced me that it would be okay to break my quit, "just for a weekend".Brothers & sisters, you can never, ever again let your guard down. Nic tried to kill you, and will ALWAYS want your head on a platter. This is a death match, and your opponent doesn't fight fair. You'll never be completely safe. But that's okay, as long as you realize it, be alert, and persistent, and rely on the ACCOUNTABILITY you find here. ...theo
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