All alone during Week 8
During the day while I worked it was always a struggle to stay away from the dip. In the evening it was a different story as I had my family to spend time with and remain distracted.
This week was different. My wife and son were going back to Colorado to visit family and I would be all alone during the evening. Probably eating bad and having a couple of drinks.
A perfect recipe for caving........
And it was tough. This week let me put into execution what I had heard a hundred times before: HAVE A PLAN!!!! Dean/Animal used to repeat this over and over
Sometimes I felt like I was bored out of my skull. Ultimately, I came up with other distractions that took my mind off the dip. It worked and by the end of the week I welcomed my family back still quit..........
RULE FOR WEEK #8: HAVE A PLAN for the times you'll be alone and/or the times you'll be in a situation that may be a trigger. Carry around your buddy's phone numbers and emails. Make calls and don't ever think about caving..
Highlights/Post and thoughts from that week

Big Brother Jack - QUIT + 1 ...
"The man who is aware of himself is henceforward independent; and he is never bored, and life is only too short, and he is steeped through and through with a profound yet temperate happiness. " Richard M. Nixon --------------------
Just because we cannot see clearly the end of the road, that is no reason for not setting out on the essential journey. On the contrary, great change dominates the world, and unless we move with change we will become its victims ."-Robert F.Kennedy
"Never quit. It is the easiest cop-out in the world. Set a goal and don't quit until you attain it. When you do attain it, set another goal, and don't quit until you reach it. Never quit !" Bear Bryant...
Never QUIT the "QUIT" Gents and Ladies !! The HOF is your first attainable Goal , after the HOF set a higher Goal till you attain again ...repeat indefinatley .......Big Brother Jack.... QUIT + 1 ....
Highlights and Posts from that week.
- TCOPE hits fucking 50 days!!!
- Southersteeler and Trapper join the group
- Censorship on the KTC site??? It was considered????

Posted: Feb 26, 2009, 3:50 pm
RoosterGroup: MembersPosts: 792Member No.: 6,112Joined: 3-January 09
what is the new rule? The link is broken, maybe they are rethinking things[
Announcement for all Members:Please read
im not for OR against this new rule because i understand the purpose behind it - we don't want new quitters (with delicate egos) to be run off the site and go back to dipping.on theother hand, if a quitter gets banned from the site based on this rule, aren't they just as likely to revert to tobacco use as the one who left with a sore (insert another non-offensive word for female genitalia here)?damned if you do and damned if you dont i guess.
Moe Man - the link is not broken - you just have to relog in to get to it.I will play by whatever riules are set up to make this work.

Talk of cave dreams haunted the posts. I had not had one but then again I never remember my dreams.
Posted: Feb 24, 2009, 11:01 am
F - M - F - M - FGroup: MembersPosts: 267Member No.: 6,234Joined: 13-January 09
QUOTE (rkymtnman @ Feb 24, 2009, 7:14 am)
Anyone else being haunted by CAVE dreams? Holy shit the past 2 nights, I have had dreams that I caved. Just woke up from a nap and had a third cave dream. They always go the same way. In my dream - they are very short - I am walking down a dirt road and am tired from something. I am smoking a cigarette every time - never any dip. I get about 2/3 of the way through the cig and absolutely PANIC that I have caved. I always think that I automatically smoked the cig "forgetting" that I quit nic, gave my word and without even thinking, had lit up the smoke. I wake up all sweaty and depressed. Only lasts a few minutes but man does it ever suck.I've been sleeping like shit despite working out like a mad man. I also made a decision to leave the seeds at home and break that habit/cycle while overseas so nothing but an occasional piece of gum.Anyone else having these dreams?
I haven't had any dreams like this yet.And I'm not qualified to surmise what they might mean.They might mean you have a tumor.But they might also mean that you're just a regular dude kicking ass on the 62nd Day. This post has been edited by SWJ on Feb 24, 2009, 11:02 am
This scared the hell out of me. Caved twice. Could that happen to me???
No way could I ever come back to the site. Kudos to Tfurrh for coming back and making it.
Posted: Feb 23, 2009, 7:15 pm
QUOTE (tfurrh @ Feb 23, 2009, 1:09 pm)
QUOTE (SWJ @ Feb 23, 2009, 1:51 pm)
QUOTE (Tfurrh screwed the pooch)
TFurrh - 63 - today would be my 100, I caved at 9, then again at 28.
Way to not suck (three times in a row), Tfurrh.Seriously, every day from here on out is a milestone, bro.
Yeah...I know I joke around on here a bunch, but I feel great. I went out last weekend it was my first time in a bar since I quit. I got shit faced. I almost caved. actually I was going to cave, but my friend stopped me from lighting up a cigarette. Anyway, I went out again this wkd to Shreveport, LA....Mardi Gras. . I had a blast, but I hardly drank, and the group I went with all smoked like a log. But I didn't even flinch. Point is, I couldn't have made it without ya'll holding me accountable. On my first attempt, I made it nine days without this site, and with no support. With next cave, I had NO idea that my it would bring out such a reaction on this site. I went through a hardcore bitching. It made me value my word though, that's something I had never done before. In a small way, I feel like I have manned up, and once again....thanks to all.

Moe Man
Lots of people took heat from the vets. I took what I needed like Moeman and Mike1228 and listened and learned.
Posted: Feb 26, 2009, 5:19 pm
Motorboatin Son of a Bitch, You sailor You.Group: MembersPosts: 208Member No.: 6,076Joined: 31-December 08
QUOTE (ndrooster1 @ Feb 26, 2009, 3:57 pm)
QUOTE (ndrooster1 @ Feb 26, 2009, 2:41 pm)
T dunno.. the "old" way grew on me after a while....desensitized my sorry ass to the bullshit written here..finally got it how it helped keep me from thinking about my craves, helped our group gel as a group..look how we defended our fellow quitters at times of "assumed attacks". Hell I even got to like some of the old farts that were laying the shit on pretty thick. I took what I needed from the postings and left the rest. Now that ain't saying shit written here won't get me riled.. I just think a bout it before I post back right away. Less shootin from the hip so to speak.the only drawback I had about the extreme posts is that the work "fuck" crept back into my vocabulary on a regular basis. that isn't so good according to my bride. Like I said , I'll work with whatever works in this site to help keep me off the shit. Be it Extreme posts or everyone singing kumbyya (well maybe not so much the later...) my concern is the new ruling will make everyone just start posting roll and thats it because they will be gun shy if what they want to say is too extreme. that would really fuck this site up.I'd like some of that stale jerky from your mom and pop store now Smokeyg..oh and how about some of those expired Poptarts.
I agree, I am one of those people who had to live almost 24hrs a day on this site the first month. I knew as long as I was on this site I would not cave, so I was almost afraid to log off. All the drama really helped keep it interseting and kept me tuned in. I really think without all the drama I would have quit being involved and probably would have caved. That being said I also agree with you on the language Rooster. I am catching myself saying words, that I haven't used since high school. Now I have to go search for a support site to help with the cussing.
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