This is really what did it for me. As responsible, organized and accountable as I am, I could never frigging uphold the promise........ That's the bottom line and where the site comes into play.
This is really what did it for me. As responsible, organized and accountable as I am, I could never frigging uphold the promise........ That's the bottom line and where the site comes into play.
As I said before I made a promise to a bunch of lunatics that I had never met and I kept it. The same promise that I had made before to my wife. The same promise that I had made a hundred times to myself. What gives????
Basically it's the people. On a daily basis I had over 50 nutcases looking after me. Telling me their stories. Craving with me. MAKING ME KEEP THAT PROMISE.
And I did...... for me (but also for them)
You've got to think about ACCOUNTABILITY night and day. Believe me you will when all you're thinking about is dipping.
Have your group keep track of who's posting and not. I did this for the FOQers for an extended period of time. I believe it helped and my fellow quitters agreed. The only ones that didn't like it were those that were not COMMITTED (see rule 1). Develop a buddy system. Who looks after who and who will notice if I haven't posted. You need that.
Highlights/Posts and thoughts for that week
More commen sense pandering from Dean the Animal. Loved this guy
Posted: Jan 29, 2009, 7:55 am
Eat More Beef. No more Dip.Group: MembersPosts: 1,755Member No.: 4,431Joined: 4-August 08
QUOTE (ndrooster1 @ Jan 28, 2009, 10:10 pm)
Now you fuckers have me confused? I thought thats what you were expected to do if you fucking caved -- man up to the fact you pussed out and caved and not let us hanging. Seems to me thats what I read when others caved before - - pick a month , they all have fuckin cavers in them. Seems all the "old guard" and brothers and sisters of their quit tells them to "man up."Now, your sending mixed messages - to me anyway. I'll play "this game" as you call it -- which I do not - its a life and death situation for me anyway. Just explain what terms we are to use and "play" by. I got my head wrapped around this quit a whole lot more than what you may think, I guess I just ain't a professional bitcher. I'll leave that up to many of you who do it so well. Know your bitchin at me means well but a big back
Posted: Jan 29, 2009, 7:55 am
Eat More Beef. No more Dip.Group: MembersPosts: 1,755Member No.: 4,431Joined: 4-August 08
QUOTE (ndrooster1 @ Jan 28, 2009, 10:10 pm)
Now you fuckers have me confused? I thought thats what you were expected to do if you fucking caved -- man up to the fact you pussed out and caved and not let us hanging. Seems to me thats what I read when others caved before - - pick a month , they all have fuckin cavers in them. Seems all the "old guard" and brothers and sisters of their quit tells them to "man up."Now, your sending mixed messages - to me anyway. I'll play "this game" as you call it -- which I do not - its a life and death situation for me anyway. Just explain what terms we are to use and "play" by. I got my head wrapped around this quit a whole lot more than what you may think, I guess I just ain't a professional bitcher. I'll leave that up to many of you who do it so well. Know your bitchin at me means well but a big back
ND you are right this isn't a game. You don't need to follow anyone on how you treat the members in this group. You find your own way and use that as you. I know who i am and how i treat individuals. I don't have a persona I am who I am in real life. So keep up the good work ND you are doing exactly what you should be doing. Help everyone what ever way fits you. Good job and if you see anyone fall off keep on them. They will come back. It really does work. Stand beside them. Don't stand behind them. Walk beside them all the way. --------------------
WAS chewing for 25yrs. I quit forever now. I've beat drinking I have beat this. Time for the next level of my life. 100 days and counting, 1 day at a time that's all I expect. Pay it forward and no one left behind,
WAS chewing for 25yrs. I quit forever now. I've beat drinking I have beat this. Time for the next level of my life. 100 days and counting, 1 day at a time that's all I expect. Pay it forward and no one left behind,
Senseless humor helped a bunch......
Posted: Jan 29, 2009, 8:08 pm
I am my own enemyGroup: MembersPosts: 1,434Member No.: 3,726Joined: 7-May 08
I am my own enemyGroup: MembersPosts: 1,434Member No.: 3,726Joined: 7-May 08
QUOTE (chanilla @ Jan 29, 2009, 4:58 pm)
Fatguysex.comFuck you you fuching cockless cocksucker(s)!
Fatguysex.comFuck you you fuching cockless cocksucker(s)!
I know you like dogs
I know you fuck dogs
Change this shit, and show a real clit (just not your own) where'd the osama monkey go?
Remember Rooster's trip into the wilderness and his almost cave??? Great inspiration but it did draw some more homosexual comparisons!!!
Posted: Feb 1, 2009, 7:28 pm
Suck me, beautiful!!Group: MembersPosts: 331Member No.: 5,844Joined: 6-December 08
QUOTE (rkymtnman @ Feb 1, 2009, 4:20 pm)
QUOTE (ndrooster1 @ Feb 1, 2009, 3:36 pm)
This past Saturday:I initially said I would be gone from vertully any way to post roll yesterday. See, I was out with several men on a winiter snowshoe trek and camp in late 1700s to arly 1800s style. Several years ago, a couple of these guys built a Mandan/ Hidatsa style earth lodge and so every winter we strap on our snowshows , load up out trains (proper word for tobaggon) with blankets, food and some "spirits", flintlock guns - to keep the natives at bay or maybe to add a rabbit to a stew for a 2 night 3 day weekend.This year I had intended to make a snow camp outside the lodge and upon arriving early found another hearty soul doing the same.. About dark 3 others came snowshoing in with word of a possible blizzard with sustained 40 mph winds and 50 -55 mph gusts working their way toward us Friday nite /Sat morning. That along with temps in the teens could be very dangerous so the other guy and myself forgone the better part of valor for wisdom and pulled our bedrolls into the earth lodge. The winds picked up shortly and about 11 pm 3 more souls came snowshoing in. One thing about it ..if it wasn't for the snowshoes you would not have been able to make the 2 mile trek into the lodge and much of the snow was crotch deep or deeper.anyway - we all socialized well into the late evening catching up on old times, sharing some spirits along the way. Saturday, I woke with a crave like none other I have ever had. fortunately only one guy was chewing and he knew my quit so he ninjad his dips. But it didn't stop the crave. About mid morning a fellow came snowshoing in (the father-in - law of one of the guys) and as we sat around the fire , lieing to each other and filling our faces with venison stews, dried venison, venison sausage and other variations of this fine meat -- this "father in law" pulled out a can and I heard the tap tap tap. That just about put me over the edge...knowing I could beg one. My mind was damn near overwhelmed. I was thinking 34 days was going to go to shit in one fell swoop...or pinch. WTF could I do.. it was blowing like crazy out - , but fortunately the snow was crusted so there wasn't a ground blizzard, but the wind made it damn raw to be outside. I did the only thing I could do. I strapped on my snowshoes to my moccasins, braved the 40 mph winds and treked back just about 2 miles back to my vehicle where I had my cell phone and service and texted iuchewie my oath to stay quit. I asked for a post to roll buit didn't see it today so it might not of arrived. After texting my quit. I shut the phone off , put it back in the glove compartment, loaded up my pocket with gum and headed back to camp. By the time I got back , I had no desire to dip and had no more triggers for the rest of the weekend.Would I have caved if I didn't make that personal sacrifice to change the scenery for awhile? I do not know. All I know is that the resolve to force myself to go tell someone I know has been through this shit before helped me get through this time..that day. It really does work if you feel such a trigger to talk /text one of our brothers or sisters of quit. All it took me was some sweat and 4 miles of snowshoeing in about 25 degree weather with 40 mph winds to cure me for the day! If this 52 year one eyed old fat man can do it there is no reason you young pups can't stay quit. No reason at all. I beleive April has as strong of resolve to stay quit as myself. I think that is just the kind of people we are. WORD brothers and sisters, WORD!Now I am off tho watch the super bowl with my brother, slam a few beers, and watch him be a slave to his nic bitch. But not me- not today!
Suck me, beautiful!!Group: MembersPosts: 331Member No.: 5,844Joined: 6-December 08
QUOTE (rkymtnman @ Feb 1, 2009, 4:20 pm)
QUOTE (ndrooster1 @ Feb 1, 2009, 3:36 pm)
This past Saturday:I initially said I would be gone from vertully any way to post roll yesterday. See, I was out with several men on a winiter snowshoe trek and camp in late 1700s to arly 1800s style. Several years ago, a couple of these guys built a Mandan/ Hidatsa style earth lodge and so every winter we strap on our snowshows , load up out trains (proper word for tobaggon) with blankets, food and some "spirits", flintlock guns - to keep the natives at bay or maybe to add a rabbit to a stew for a 2 night 3 day weekend.This year I had intended to make a snow camp outside the lodge and upon arriving early found another hearty soul doing the same.. About dark 3 others came snowshoing in with word of a possible blizzard with sustained 40 mph winds and 50 -55 mph gusts working their way toward us Friday nite /Sat morning. That along with temps in the teens could be very dangerous so the other guy and myself forgone the better part of valor for wisdom and pulled our bedrolls into the earth lodge. The winds picked up shortly and about 11 pm 3 more souls came snowshoing in. One thing about it ..if it wasn't for the snowshoes you would not have been able to make the 2 mile trek into the lodge and much of the snow was crotch deep or deeper.anyway - we all socialized well into the late evening catching up on old times, sharing some spirits along the way. Saturday, I woke with a crave like none other I have ever had. fortunately only one guy was chewing and he knew my quit so he ninjad his dips. But it didn't stop the crave. About mid morning a fellow came snowshoing in (the father-in - law of one of the guys) and as we sat around the fire , lieing to each other and filling our faces with venison stews, dried venison, venison sausage and other variations of this fine meat -- this "father in law" pulled out a can and I heard the tap tap tap. That just about put me over the edge...knowing I could beg one. My mind was damn near overwhelmed. I was thinking 34 days was going to go to shit in one fell swoop...or pinch. WTF could I do.. it was blowing like crazy out - , but fortunately the snow was crusted so there wasn't a ground blizzard, but the wind made it damn raw to be outside. I did the only thing I could do. I strapped on my snowshoes to my moccasins, braved the 40 mph winds and treked back just about 2 miles back to my vehicle where I had my cell phone and service and texted iuchewie my oath to stay quit. I asked for a post to roll buit didn't see it today so it might not of arrived. After texting my quit. I shut the phone off , put it back in the glove compartment, loaded up my pocket with gum and headed back to camp. By the time I got back , I had no desire to dip and had no more triggers for the rest of the weekend.Would I have caved if I didn't make that personal sacrifice to change the scenery for awhile? I do not know. All I know is that the resolve to force myself to go tell someone I know has been through this shit before helped me get through this time..that day. It really does work if you feel such a trigger to talk /text one of our brothers or sisters of quit. All it took me was some sweat and 4 miles of snowshoeing in about 25 degree weather with 40 mph winds to cure me for the day! If this 52 year one eyed old fat man can do it there is no reason you young pups can't stay quit. No reason at all. I beleive April has as strong of resolve to stay quit as myself. I think that is just the kind of people we are. WORD brothers and sisters, WORD!Now I am off tho watch the super bowl with my brother, slam a few beers, and watch him be a slave to his nic bitch. But not me- not today!
DAMN Rooster - you are one tough old bastard. I love this!!Picturing you in your deer skin loin cloth and buffalo skin jacket with rabbit fur moccasins strapped to a 200 year old pair of snow shoes armed with a traditional musket hiking 4 miles in a blinding snow storm just to tell someone you are still quit - I AM SPEACHLESS. Well done my brother, well done.I've said it before - I'm not so sure that the importance of posting roll / giving your WORD EVERY DAY can be overstated. You my hearty friend just proved it.Where is the excuse to cave now bitches?
Great story, Rooster. Congrats on the strong fucking quit.I bet there were some very manly "Brokeback Mountain" moments in the earth lodge. --------------------
Smokes, explains addiction like no one else.
Posted: Jan 30, 2009, 1:04 pm
super whoreGroup: MembersPosts: 2,900Member No.: 307Joined: 10-June 07
QUOTE (tfurrh @ Jan 30, 2009, 8:55 am)
QUOTE (rkymtnman @ Jan 30, 2009, 10:31 am)
I have to tell this story.My wife - God bless her - can sometimes get herself in to pretty good situations by talking before thinking. Keep in mind, she is a real smart gal - masters degree, in the medical profession but sometimes I really wonder about her.Last night at dinner, somehow the topic of my quit came up. I was telling her how I have gained 7 pounds since I quit and am working hard to get rid of it. Out of the blue I get something to this effect:"I just don't get it. For years I have been telling you over and over how bad that stuff is for you, giving you all sorts of reasons why you should quit. How bad it is for your health, the impacts it has on our family and your kids - pleading with you to quit for years. One day, you get a call from HYDRO (she actually used his real name...) and just like that, you quit FOR HIM. Why is he so much more important than me, your family, your health our marriage."I was laughing pretty good at this point. After I realized that my laughing wasn't helping the situation, I calmly offered to start back up the can a day habit for her just so I could quit again some time in the future just FOR HER.LMFAO - what is it with women?Moral of the story - I NEVER WANTED TO QUIT. Now that I got sucked in here and have been made accountable to all you fuckers, I got no choice. I have to stay the course now. Oddly enough, I actually like the quit now that I've quit for the right reasons (ME).Quick thanks to HYDRO for pissing my wife off by getting me to quit
Thats a great story. I'm glad you've stuck with it, April wouldn't be the same w/out the king of funk.
super whoreGroup: MembersPosts: 2,900Member No.: 307Joined: 10-June 07
QUOTE (tfurrh @ Jan 30, 2009, 8:55 am)
QUOTE (rkymtnman @ Jan 30, 2009, 10:31 am)
I have to tell this story.My wife - God bless her - can sometimes get herself in to pretty good situations by talking before thinking. Keep in mind, she is a real smart gal - masters degree, in the medical profession but sometimes I really wonder about her.Last night at dinner, somehow the topic of my quit came up. I was telling her how I have gained 7 pounds since I quit and am working hard to get rid of it. Out of the blue I get something to this effect:"I just don't get it. For years I have been telling you over and over how bad that stuff is for you, giving you all sorts of reasons why you should quit. How bad it is for your health, the impacts it has on our family and your kids - pleading with you to quit for years. One day, you get a call from HYDRO (she actually used his real name...) and just like that, you quit FOR HIM. Why is he so much more important than me, your family, your health our marriage."I was laughing pretty good at this point. After I realized that my laughing wasn't helping the situation, I calmly offered to start back up the can a day habit for her just so I could quit again some time in the future just FOR HER.LMFAO - what is it with women?Moral of the story - I NEVER WANTED TO QUIT. Now that I got sucked in here and have been made accountable to all you fuckers, I got no choice. I have to stay the course now. Oddly enough, I actually like the quit now that I've quit for the right reasons (ME).Quick thanks to HYDRO for pissing my wife off by getting me to quit
Thats a great story. I'm glad you've stuck with it, April wouldn't be the same w/out the king of funk.
Man, I've tried to explain this whole quitting thing to people and it's just something you've got to go through to fully understand. A few of my friends asked me the other day if I was "addicted" to nicotine and when I said "hell yes" they couldn't believe it and just shook their heads. Such a dirty word. They were also extremely surprised to hear that I was part of any support group. If they haven't been there, they can't know what it takes. My wife and I rarely talk about my quit. It caused so much conflict between us in the past, we just let what's working keep on working. She gives me my space and never complains about this site (rarely). Leave it at that.
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