Freedom is something that I cherish. It's something that I pledged to die for while in the military. Looking back on my addiction now I can't even begin to realize just how imprisoned I was. To someone touting freedom every day of my life, I was a junkie enslavened to this habit.
After 50 days and into Week 9, I began to appreciate this new freedom. I still had to figure out what the hell to do with it though! As the old saying goes, Freedom ain't free, it surely took on new meaning to me. I was free to kiss my wife without having to spit out a fattie first. I was free to drop what I was doing on the spur of the moment to play with my son without having to worry about spitting or slobbering on him when I bent over to pick him up.
Freedom from dip and tobacco is truly liberating.......
Use your FREEDOM. Learn something new..... Get back in shape..... Read a book.... Learn to play an instrument or a new language.
RULE FOR WEEK #9: Continue the Fight for your FREEDOM and use it to grow. Take what used to be "dip time" and do SOMETHING ELSE!!
Highlights/Posts and thoughts for that week
"Tobacco is the only consumer product which when used as directed kills its consumer." -- Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland
- Wildcat admits he likes Coors Light!!
- Remember the March roll call ended up in April 09??
The appearance of the Ninja raised it's ugly head:

- Seemed everyone was having the halfway to HOF craves!!! The vets respond in kind.
This dominated a lot of talk this week. Some GREAT POSTS deserve notice:

Chanilla having trouble like the rest of us. Sound advice from Hydro
QUOTE (chanilla @ Mar 2, 2009, 2:51 pm)
has anyone else been having huge ass cravings day after day? I've had a lovely little stretch of like 4 days, with at least one intense crave that tries to defy logic. The thing that keeps me quit is this site and the promises I have made to myself, but this shit is getting crazy. Anyone else having these daily? I want them to get the fuck outa my head!

OK Gang........ya'll are enjoying the day 50-70 I dontgiveashits and this quitting stuff fucking sucks.The good news is that IT DOES PASS. Most everyone in March went through the very same shit.....some of us worse than others.......but....ALL of us pulled through. You guys are gonna get through this. This funk is nothing more than mental and everyone of you knows how to beat that down. You're using this site.....that's the first step. Send some text messages back & forth. Pick up the phone and actually use the voice can do that on a a cell phone ! Call one of the numbers you have programed in for just this situation. Just a couple passes and then you feel even better than before it started.Come on over to March and bitch at us !! Whatever you do....don't put that shit in your mouth. Remember what our friend Ready says.................caving is not an option so go fuck a duck. Wait.....or was it do something else.....Let us know if we can help......

Amazing words from chewie.
I can unequivocally tell you that IT DOES GET BETTER! I can't tell you exactly when, but I can tell you that it does.
If you're like I was, you're at the point where you KNOW you're done, but you're just sick of dealing with it.... You're sick of quitting, you're sick of the site, sick of posting roll, sick of fake dip, sick of seeds, sick of quitting, etc. Not that you're thinking of caving, but you're just SICK AND FUCKING TIRED of dealing with dip. I've got good news and bad news. I was exactly right there. That's it... it's both the good news and the bad.
It's good cause if you're like me and you're experiencing all of those things, then you'll ALSO be like me and get away from all of those feelings. For me it wasn't a single defining moment where I stopped thinking of dip in the "I'm quitting" terms and moved over to a "I've already quit" mindframe. That's not to say that I don't struggle and have a bad day now and again cause I absolutely do, but my bad days now are pretty few and far between and are getting less and less intense and i get further into my quit.
It's bad cause again, if you're like me, dip will always be a part of your life. Not an active part, but it's there - in the back of your mind. The nic bitch is always there and will continue to be there. I've been thinking about just this point quite a bit lately. I've been trying to reconcile the fact that I'll always be an addict. If you look at it in those terms, it can be pretty overwhelming... so I don't.
Here's how I deal with craves, bad days, bad thoughts, etc. these days when it pertains to dip.
I tell myself that if the WORST i'm dealing with is a crave every couple of weeks for a couple of days -- that's a hell of a lot better than dealing with cancer.
I tell myself that if dealing with bit of nic rage every now and again is better than leaving my wife and son alone without dad and hubby.
I tell myself that I AM IN CONTROL of my own destiny at this point -- we've beaten our addiction. We CHOOSE whether or not to have a dip. We CHOOSE whether or not to go back to the can, and we CHOOSE the way we deal with our ongoing battles. In my eyes that incredible power
If you're looking for advice here's the best I can do... continue to do what you've been doing.
Use the site.
Talk to your brothers.
Remember why you're here in the first place.
Don't feel that just cause someone else is doing well you can't post about a struggle.
Remember how far you've come.

Posted: Mar 6, 2009, 9:21 am
By BhFive:
This haunts me to this day.
For the past year and a half I have been slowly losing my Mother to lung cancer. I watched her take her o2 off and drag herself to the porch sit under the " No Smoking... Oxygen in use" sign while hacking up all sorts of things. I was taking a lot of heat from Mom, Wife, kids and siblings to quit my 2 can of Cope a day habit.I had attempted to quit numerous times and had 2 6 month runs that ended with one wont hurt but learned not only can it hurt it can kill. I knew I did not have the strength to quit while Mom was dying but made a commitment to quit after she passed.I lost the most amazing Mother on 12/30/08 and vowed to myself that after we had buried her on 1/3/09 I would pick my date as 1/5/09 to quit. I was goofing around searching for advice when I found the site! I am so glad I did. I can feel it inside already that this quit will be different. I will struggle at times but have an awesome support group that will help make me stay qiut!
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