Wildcat99 Posted: Dec 30, 2010, 1:37 pm
Group: Members
Posts: 2,406
Member No.: 6,088
Joined: 1-January 09
Hey doods... wanted to share something with you... my son (oldest one--10 years old) always tells me that he "saved my life". Actually, it's true--i don't know if i would have quit if he wouldn't have asked me to. Anyway, i wrote a letter to him which i will give him tomorrow after i post up 2 years!! Here is the letter...
2 years ago, you asked me to quit chewing. You told me that it was bad for me and that you didn’t want me to do it anymore. I didn’t want to let you down… I decided to try and quit, for myself first of all but also for you. I knew it would be hard to quit—tobacco/nicotine is a very serious addiction. At the same time though, it was also hurting my body by using it and that fact was actually something I just ignored for 13 years. The whole 13 years I chewed, I never once tried to quit… I didn’t want to. Mommy wanted me to quit but she didn’t ever push me—she just said it was yucky and she wished I didn’t do it. I should have listened to her, but I didn’t. Over the years, people always said I needed to quit, but I didn’t listen. For me, it was a habit… a habit that I actually enjoyed. However, I completely ignored the fact that it was an addiction—a poison that was shortening my life and had the power to end my life if I kept doing it. How selfish of me. I am sorry.
I am glad that you spoke up. I used to laugh because you would say to me “daddy, why do you always eat tobacco”…When you asked me to quit 2 years ago I thought, “yea—I can do this”. It will take some serious commitment, focus, determination and will power but I’m a strong person so I should be able to knock this out. You, mommy and your brother and sister were very supportive of me throughout the ups and downs as I vowed to quit—one day at a time. You know one other thing that helps me a ton is that silly website I am on so much (killthecan.org). You see, that place is filled with people just like me that are trying to rid their lives of nicotine. So, I go there for support too… and, it has been a huge help. Has it been easy to quit??? NO way man. It is probably the hardest thing I have ever done. Does it get easier as time goes by? Yes, but it is still a challenge every day. When I think about chew or have a craving for one, I remind myself of you and all the reasons I quit—that is what keeps me going each day!!
I guess one of the reasons I tell you this is because someday, you will be faced with a decision. You will have a choice to make. I promise you that at some point in your life somebody will offer you some form of tobacco. It may be chew or a cigarette or some other form… but, I guarantee you that you will be approached. I’m going to ask you to think of me when that day comes… think about how long I used tobacco and how I quit. Think of the harm it did to me and the struggle it was to quit and how evil the addiction is. You asked me to quit… I’m asking you to never start! But, you are much better than me son, so I know it will never be an issue with you.
For the past 730 days (that’s 2 years) I have had a new addiction—Quitting tobacco!!! Every day, normally just as soon as I get up and at my computer, I go to killthecan.org. I give my word to all of those complete strangers that I will not use tobacco that day. That layer of accountability strengthens my resolve and takes using tobacco for that day completely out of play because I will not break my word. In addition though, when I give my word to those people, I am giving my word to you that I will not use tobacco. My word is bond Jameson. You will never truly understand how meaningful it is to me that you had the courage to confront my nasty habit and ask me to give it up. You will never understand exactly what kind of positive impact that had on my life. I am a better person without tobacco and I owe that to you.
As a small gift I want you to have this little poker chip. I bought two of these—one for me, one for you. It is from killthecan.org and it signifies me being tobacco free for 2 years. They have these for all different levels so when we get to 3 years, I’ll get us another one!! This will be my reminder and my commitment to you and our family.
I love you very much Jameson… I’m so proud of who you are, I couldn’t have asked for a better little buddy. But, most importantly……………….Thank you, Jameson… Thank you for saving my life, son.
I will not say I am quit for forever and I don’t have to. I only have to be quit for TODAY. I will do the same tomorrow and forever will get worked out in the process.
Quit Date: 12/31/08
HOF: 4/10/09
HOF Speech
2nd Floor 7/19/09
3rd Floor 10/27/09
1 Year 12/31/09
4th Floor 2/4/10
5th Floor 5/15/10
6th Floor 8/23/10
7th Floor 12/1/10
"I will not say I am quit for forever and I don’t have to. I only have to be quit for TODAY. I will do the same tomorrow and forever will get worked out in the process."
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
TCOPE & The FOQer's Top 10 Reasons for being quit on Christmas......
TCOPE'S Top 10 Reasons for Being Quit on Christmas
1. Don't have to worry about knocking the spitter over on the carpet 50 times while being sprawled out trying to put together the latest toy for kid
2. Sugar cookies don't have brown stain marks on them
3. Cool gifts and stocking stuffers fit in my stocking now that I don't need to have a 10 can sleeve in there.
4. Is that my Jack and Coke or my spitter?
5. Santa claus can actually drink the cup of milk we put out for him without worrying if the spit and copenhagen were washed out
6. No more lying about having to run out to the store to get more "batteries" on Christmas Eve because I ran out of copenhagen and the stores are closed on Xmas.
7. Our sledding hill in the backyard is not covered with brown spots this year.
8. Don't have to pull the Santa beard to the side every 30 seconds to spit….
9. Going out to select our Christmas tree is not limited to just how long I can go without a dip.
10. No more christmas shopping in the malls and having to find an empty store aisle where I can spit a puddle cause I forgot my spitter.
Merry Christmas you junkies.....
Sunday, December 5, 2010
700 days done
I asked my wife several weeks back if I could go to State College, PA for the KTC meet that was going on. She looked at me a bit crazed and asked "you're driving 10 hours round trip in 2 days to meet a bunch of guys you don't even know their names?". Needless to say I replied "yup".....
That's the thing here about all these people and this wacky internet site. There is truly a brotherhood. It's like when Trapper drove something like 6 hours round trip in AN AFTERNOON to come see me in Missoula, MT when I was out there. The only thing you can say is that there is some type of bond that is shared.
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TCOPE & Chewie |
Although not an introvert by any means, I am a pretty keep to myself person. I don't have a lot of friends that I "hang out" with and I certainly don't "go out with the boys". I just don't do that. I'd rather bike and spend time with my family. But I told my wife there are really only two sets of people that I call true friends. One is the group of men that I spent time with in the Rangers. They will always be true friends. The other are the men here that I've met through KTC. Wild isn't it?
No college buddies to speak of......
Work friends are non existent......
Just a bunch of wild assassins and junkies.....
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Theo, Big Brother Jack, TCOPE |
Anyway, at 700 days I feel truly great. My head is where it needs to be regarding nicotine (meaning I know I'm never going back) and at almost 50 years old my body is back in great shape. My family gets my time more and this is what life should be......
To be honest, 700 is badass and that's the bottom line. And as all of us FOQers get ready for 2 years quit I want to continue to thank you all. I will be posting probably forever. I just like the people here. Some of you I've still never met but are friends none the less. You know I got your back. I know you've got mine.
Just like true friends.........
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Niwot, TCOPE, JPCrew, Rkymtnman |
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TCOPE, Trapper |
Here's to another 700 days........
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
State College Meet 13 November 2010
Left to Right: Penguin, jjsnake, BBJ, Clampy, btdogboy, Chewie

TCOPE & Neveragain raking in chips at the poker game.
Ron3775 and bhfive

Penguin, Clampy and btdogboy

Chewie and Rizzo20
UncleBubba and Franpro
Clampy and btdogboy
The Gang
Chow time
The final table
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Thoughts at 500 days

On 20 May 2010, I will have been quit 500 days. As I was sitting around I thought I'd write my thoughts down about how I feel at this period in my addiction and quit....
To be honest I feel great... I will admit that from time to time tobacco comes nibbling at my thoughts and I suppose that will always be the case. I guess you never become "un-addicted" but this is so much better than even at 400 days.
During the early part of my quit I used Smokey Mountain pretty extensively. From time to time I still do. I guess it's the enjoyment of something in my mouth and spitting but for whatever reason I still imbide from time to time. However I have explicit rules on its use.
1. Never around family----
2. Don't carry it around outside the house
3. Limit use to my office and in front of the computer and sometimes gardening.
But this usage is almost hilarious cause I know I don't even need it and most of the time I even forget to do it!.
Forget to do it, you say??? Yes, there are times that I "forget" to do it. It's funny shit. Let me give you an example.....
Every morning when I wake up at 4am I turn on my computer and check email, read some blogs/news, and plan my day. That USED to be prime dipping time. Family was still asleep and I'd cram enough copenhagen into my mouth to kill fourteen korean families.
Well some mornings now I wake up and think, hmmm..... i'll have a smokey mountain while I check email. I go in to my office and start checking email. I then start checking out the bike blogs and news.... next thing I know it's 6:30am and I hear my wife up. I go downstairs and make coffee and it hits me: I never put a Smokey dip in......... I totally forgot to.....
That blows my mind.... Remember when we were using? Do you think I'd forgotten to put a dip in then??? Shit when I woke up in the morning I needed my FIX NOW!!!!!!! If you got in my way from the bedroom to the office where I kept the stash I would have knocked your head off with a patented TCOPE elbow slash. Hold that thought a moment cause I just actually wrote a cool rhyme that could be adapted for rapping and land me a record deal:
"Out of my way bitch cause I need my stash...
If you don't move back you'll get an elbow slash...."
Anyway, back to the story. Honestly now at 500 days I can say that I have no craves or desires really anymore. Just some memories perhaps.
In the past 300 days or so I've become more involved with the site as well. Back from the old days I maintained a spreadsheet with over 300 quitters names/quit dates/HOF dates/projected dates to hit milestones out thru 5 years.
I try and send a note to everyone as they hit these milestones. My spreadsheet has conditional formatting so all the milestones show up in yellow and I just open it up in the morning and send out some notes. I'm still the geek.
I also try to post in all the newbie groups and some of the vet groups. It takes some time and if I'm traveling then I can't really do this every day but I try....... I've had to really back off posting in all the vet groups because I just don't have the time.
One thing I do is post everyday in my group. I really feel this group is special. I suppose everyone says that but we've got a lot of really good guys that are smart, mature and committed to the group. I enjoy seeing them post up everyday and to this day they sustain my quit......
On the topic of posting. If there's any newbies out there listening, I'll say that posting is the most important thing in your quit. I'm not the only one to think this obviously but don't forget TCOPE told you so....
On the topic of another thing: Sticking around the site.
As I move past 500 days I also have no plans to leave the site.
I do not need the site anymore for staying quit.
However, I stay here for 3 things that I enjoy and also, I think, help my quit
1. I enjoy my group and these fine men.
2. I enjoy helping out others and seeing guys give up this shit.
3. I enjoy the outside friendships that have developed.
Take a walk down memory lane now with the FOQers. Cue rap song above for serenity.
Remember back when we all hit HOF. At that point there were many (and I was one of them) that said I won't feel good about my quit till ONE YEAR. Well that came and went and to be honest it still didn't feel rock solid to me. I mean I was certainly well quit at one year but there were still some nagging thoughts.
With that said I think I'm declaring my quit officially solid at 500 days. I know in my mind that I won't make a mistake to damage what I've accomplished. I don't think of it, I don't crave it and that is what makes me feel good.
So that's it.... no revelations or anything. Just a good solid quit at 500 days..
To be honest I feel great... I will admit that from time to time tobacco comes nibbling at my thoughts and I suppose that will always be the case. I guess you never become "un-addicted" but this is so much better than even at 400 days.
During the early part of my quit I used Smokey Mountain pretty extensively. From time to time I still do. I guess it's the enjoyment of something in my mouth and spitting but for whatever reason I still imbide from time to time. However I have explicit rules on its use.
1. Never around family----
2. Don't carry it around outside the house
3. Limit use to my office and in front of the computer and sometimes gardening.
But this usage is almost hilarious cause I know I don't even need it and most of the time I even forget to do it!.
Forget to do it, you say??? Yes, there are times that I "forget" to do it. It's funny shit. Let me give you an example.....
Every morning when I wake up at 4am I turn on my computer and check email, read some blogs/news, and plan my day. That USED to be prime dipping time. Family was still asleep and I'd cram enough copenhagen into my mouth to kill fourteen korean families.
Well some mornings now I wake up and think, hmmm..... i'll have a smokey mountain while I check email. I go in to my office and start checking email. I then start checking out the bike blogs and news.... next thing I know it's 6:30am and I hear my wife up. I go downstairs and make coffee and it hits me: I never put a Smokey dip in......... I totally forgot to.....
That blows my mind.... Remember when we were using? Do you think I'd forgotten to put a dip in then??? Shit when I woke up in the morning I needed my FIX NOW!!!!!!! If you got in my way from the bedroom to the office where I kept the stash I would have knocked your head off with a patented TCOPE elbow slash. Hold that thought a moment cause I just actually wrote a cool rhyme that could be adapted for rapping and land me a record deal:
"Out of my way bitch cause I need my stash...
If you don't move back you'll get an elbow slash...."
Anyway, back to the story. Honestly now at 500 days I can say that I have no craves or desires really anymore. Just some memories perhaps.
In the past 300 days or so I've become more involved with the site as well. Back from the old days I maintained a spreadsheet with over 300 quitters names/quit dates/HOF dates/projected dates to hit milestones out thru 5 years.
I try and send a note to everyone as they hit these milestones. My spreadsheet has conditional formatting so all the milestones show up in yellow and I just open it up in the morning and send out some notes. I'm still the geek.
I also try to post in all the newbie groups and some of the vet groups. It takes some time and if I'm traveling then I can't really do this every day but I try....... I've had to really back off posting in all the vet groups because I just don't have the time.
One thing I do is post everyday in my group. I really feel this group is special. I suppose everyone says that but we've got a lot of really good guys that are smart, mature and committed to the group. I enjoy seeing them post up everyday and to this day they sustain my quit......
On the topic of posting. If there's any newbies out there listening, I'll say that posting is the most important thing in your quit. I'm not the only one to think this obviously but don't forget TCOPE told you so....
On the topic of another thing: Sticking around the site.
As I move past 500 days I also have no plans to leave the site.
I do not need the site anymore for staying quit.
However, I stay here for 3 things that I enjoy and also, I think, help my quit
1. I enjoy my group and these fine men.
2. I enjoy helping out others and seeing guys give up this shit.
3. I enjoy the outside friendships that have developed.
Take a walk down memory lane now with the FOQers. Cue rap song above for serenity.
Remember back when we all hit HOF. At that point there were many (and I was one of them) that said I won't feel good about my quit till ONE YEAR. Well that came and went and to be honest it still didn't feel rock solid to me. I mean I was certainly well quit at one year but there were still some nagging thoughts.
With that said I think I'm declaring my quit officially solid at 500 days. I know in my mind that I won't make a mistake to damage what I've accomplished. I don't think of it, I don't crave it and that is what makes me feel good.
So that's it.... no revelations or anything. Just a good solid quit at 500 days..
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
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