What a weekend. What an amazing group of people.....
Here’s to all of you…..
From near and Far
A Drink to camaraderie
A Drink to a common cause
A Drink to a common battle….
A Drink to Kill The Can
Here’s to all of you
So drink up bitches….
Thanks for saving my life
One day at a time….
The God of Hell fire
sadjr111, hippie princess, just keep dancing, btdogboy
Left to right: Franpro, Chewie, Keddy, Florida Luke
The house band: Kneeling then left to right: Theo3wood, BBJ, Hippie Princess, TCOPE on harp
Antelope and deer......
The poker tournament
The Houston TX contingent brought the state flags....
Left to Right 1st row: Clampy, Theo3wood, Btdogboy, Souliman, Chewie
2nd and Back Row: Hydro, TCOPE, Hippie Princess, Chewmonkey, JustKeepDancing, LastChance, Keddy, Franpro, Big Brother Jack, Husker06484, Samcat, Kdip, 30yrAddict, Sadjr111, 2manycans
Franpro, TCOPE, BBJ
The QSX Endurance Club members at the meet: LtoR: Souliman, Sadjr111, 2manycans, Big Brother Jack, Hydro, TCOPE, Rebeldog
Hydro and BBJ
Homemade wine and shine....
30yrAddict and Keddy,,,
Sadjr111, 30yrAddict, Florida Luke, BBJ, Keddy, Samcat
Chewmonkey and BBJ....